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Is It Possible To Whiten Porcelain Veneers?

Many people use teeth whitening kits and treatments to achieve ultimately shining and visible white teeth. However, veneers come with a complete solution for permanent tooth whitening solution. Although all these tooth-colored white composite shells are mainly designed to be wholly stain-resistant and provide a seamless look all the time, they can still get discolored over some time. Since these treatments are quite costly, it becomes the duty of the user to ensure that the veneers are white. Visit cosmetic dentistry in Alexandria, Virginia, for a more detailed overview and consultancy on how to keep your veneers clean and shining white.  

What are the possible reasons for the discoloration of your veneers?   

Veneers are often made of either porcelain or composite materials, and they are mainly used to improve the appearance of the user, which might have been clipped, cracked, or badly discolored. Although these veneers can last for an extended period with proper care, they can become heavily discolored for various reasons over time. Here are some of the reasons for the discoloration of your veneers:

  • Staining through some foods and drinks

As veneers are made to be more resistant to any type of staining and discolorations than regular teeth, they can still get discolored and stained through some beverages and foods. Stain-causing food and drink may leave harmful stains on the surface of the veneers that must not be consumed, but if consumed, they must be cleaned soon after the consumption.  

  • Poor dental hygiene

Veneers are made to be highly resistant to the process of decay, and it is still possible for the veneers to decay after a potential period. It has become essential for any person to practice good oral and dental hygiene with a proper dental routine, as all of the plaque and bacteria can build up in and around the gums and tooth, causing a risk of damage to the veneers. 

  • Wear and tear

After an undoubtedly long period, after ten years of veneers being adequately cared for, they may become discolored due to the whole process of tearing and weaning on the enamel layer that is beneath them. This is mainly because of the food or drink we have. Sometimes, some microparticles get stuck between the two teeth that cannot be seen, and those products cause scratches in the enamel with more usage. Hence, these eventually weaken the protective layer, causing discolorations. 

What are the ways to brighten your veneers?

Veneers look beautiful when they are initially applied and worn, but as time passes, they become dull and stained. There are several ways in which you can make them like new ones and make them look brighter for many more years to come. You can use gentle polishing toothpaste immediately if you see any discoloration due to the food or drink product you had without any delay. Secondly, you must maintain good oral hygiene with a regular habit of cleaning your veneers, and also you must visit the dentist every month for regular dental checkups. 

Frequently asked questions

Can veneers be whitened like our natural teeth?

No, porcelain veneers can’t be whitened with the traditional teeth-whitening products they use because they are generally made up of non-porous material that is not reactant to any of the products.

What are the things I can do if my veneers are discolored or stained?

If you have veneers, it is stained or discolored, and you can always take the help of the dentist, you can take your veneers to the dentist for the cleaning process, which is a professional way of polishing that helps to remove any type of stain from the surface. Or if the stains are too visible, you should change them.